Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Practical dreams ? (!)

Realistic or idealistic?
Pragmatic or quixotic?
Optimistic with a pinch of doubt or a pessimistic with a ray of hope!
To accept the change or to be the change?
To try and fail or fail and never try again!
To believe and follow or to live and experience?
A night that has a dawn at its end, or a day that ends in dark...
Happy with what you have or strive for what you haven't!

Can dreams be practical?!

What do you have to say?

P.S.: Some one told me that my posts are extreme in feeling, from too optimistic, sweet and rosy to harsh, sad, and dark. Why such ends with not a moderate between? But isn't life like that too?
Yes or No; no 'maybe' and 'ifs and but', no conditions to apply, no excuses to make.

Happy mid week :) Calvin's always right! 


  1. Well written Sneha. Life is something to be lived, something to experience. It is not binary like 0 or 1. It has shades, like a spectrum. That's why we humans observe, experience and describe it from one end of the spectrum to another with loads of variations in-between. Keep living, keep writing.

    1. Thanks for reading Mohit! Enjoy the spectrum :)
