"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending" ~ Carl Bard.
As we all get ready to bid adieu to 2015, a lot of random thoughts play in my mind, I thought I should pen it down.
While at times, the year seemed to whiz by, at times it slowed down to edge of stopping. But Time doesn't wait. And Life moves on. I realized that no one is going to wait for you in the past, and moments cannot be frozen, (except of course photographs!).
The things that we chase down may never be for us. And some times, ironically the very things we chase are right beside us. Just when you think, it the end of some things, Life will turn around and hand it over to you as though you deserve it.
Realized that a bit of encouragement and appreciation will not harm, and that gratitude should be genuine. Set goals, but don't forget to live! People will come and go, but you will be with yourself forever. Be kind to yourself.
There is no place called a destination, it is all now, a journey. Live it as it is. Each. Single. Day. Without any expectations. There will be happy days. And sad too. It is a game even nature plays of light and dark! Never a year has been so full of all possible ingredients of emotions.
A big THANK YOU, to all those who have been there for me, and made me stronger each day,
to all those who were not there, you'll taught me to live more independently than ever,
to all those, who gave me the greatest gift-their 'time'.
Wishing you all a happy and cheerful Twenty-Sixteen!Embrace the future <3