Thursday, December 31, 2015

Setting Twenty- Fifteen

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending" ~ Carl Bard.

As we all get ready to bid adieu to 2015, a  lot of random thoughts play in my mind, I thought I should pen it down.
While at times, the year seemed to whiz by, at times it slowed down to edge of stopping. But Time doesn't wait. And Life moves on. I realized that no one is going to wait for you in the past, and moments cannot be frozen, (except of course photographs!). 
The things that we chase down may never be for us. And some times, ironically the very things we chase are right beside us. Just when you think, it the end of some things, Life will turn around and hand it over to you as though you deserve it.

Realized that a bit of encouragement and appreciation will not harm, and that gratitude should be genuine. Set goals, but don't forget to live! People will come and go, but you will be with yourself forever. Be kind to yourself.
There is no place called a destination, it is all now, a journey. Live it as it is. Each. Single. Day. Without any expectations. There will be happy days. And sad too. It is a game even nature plays of light and dark! Never a year has been so full of all possible ingredients of emotions.

A big THANK YOU, to all those who have been there for me, and made me stronger each day, 
to all those who were not there, you'll taught me to live more independently than ever, 
to all those, who gave me the greatest gift-their 'time'. 

Wishing you all a happy and cheerful Twenty-Sixteen!Embrace the future <3

Friday, November 6, 2015


Ever felt freedom?

I do, with each newer road I travel to.
The long journeys are liberating,
each new bend is a new opportunity, 
a new window for a beautiful view.

The greens of field bring freshness,
the magnificent mountains are awe-inspiring,
the blue sky is enchanting.
The rivers so vibrant as they call you along with a song,
the ocean waters instill in you a sense of minuteness,
the waves wash away all the sorrows with the sand.

And at night, when the stars take over,
each little bright point offers you a bit of hope,
assuring you of their existence, 
today and always
even in the stillness of the night 
they care for you like a silent secret.

Discover yourself as you travel along the Life path!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monsoon Blues and Festive Hues

A cool breeze blows, a light drizzle begins, soon turning into a heavy shower! Welcome Monsoon. Four months of rain and rain transforming beautiful landscape. The green carpet is laid. Farmers rejoicing, dams filling and maintaining the cycle of seasons. The picture of India welcoming the Monsoon. 
But not this time.

The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word 'Mausim' meaning season. It is the seasonal wind that brings rainfall to India. A complex phenomena involving several factors-moisture laden winds, droplet formation, orographic barriers, and even the El Nino effect. With around 60% of land area being agricultural land, India is heavily dependent on the monsoon. The farmers obviously planning their crop cycle accordingly. I'v been in Pune since birth. This city is blessed with a modest climate and sufficient rainfall. The Sahyadris revamp into exceptionally beautiful landscape after the rains. The water supply comes from the reservoirs on the city outskirts throughout the year. The scene this year is way different. 

It's mid September and the monsoon is set to withdraw from the country. The outlook seems grim. With several regions in state and country facing a severe rainfall shortage. Water cuts have begin. Even the Koyna dam (this region usually receives very heavy rainfall during monsoon), one of the largest in state is at critical water storage. While we continue frolicking for festivities, our fellow farmers harm themselves irreversibly. They are forced to move out from their villages to cities, which are already heavily populated facing employment crisis. 

I am no economist or a weather scientist, nor any technologist. 
I may not know the ways in which our State's or country's economy could be affected. Or in predicting the monsoon accurately. But I understand this is to change. It is already changing. The coming years will not be the same with monsoon beginning in June and ending in September. It may not be a normal or an average one either, filling the reservoirs comfortably. It may be delayed. It may be excess, erratic or sporadic. Are we prepared to tackle such erratic changes?

On the other hand, when you see around, the people seem ignorant and unaffected. We continue to waste water, harm the natural cycle 
(all the more during the festive time), we continue to spend lakhs on 'Dahi Handi' or 50 feet Ganesh statues. We continue to use plastic, thermocol for the 'decorations' to please the God. Our expenditures include a lot of festive fun and frolic for the ones that are already blessed with food (a lot of it) and shelter, in the name of 'Vargani'. I am not against the celebrations nor in hampering this festive spirit, flavour or colour. But, have we lost our sensitivity or is our emotional quotient subdued in realizing the desperate situation we are about to face? Can you be happy while several people fight for water (literally, people protect the water stored from water thieves encountered in drought hit regions), commit suicides, migrate to different regions and more. 

But if we could be a little more aware, giving and concerned, and channelize these bits, by one and all, in a place where required, won't the people's God be happier too? Even if you put 10% in the right place at the right time, things will change marginally. May not be drastically, but slowly and surely. It can be money, time or resources or even something as simple as spreading awareness. Let our choices be more green, clean and social. Let us try to redefine the way we celebrate festivals and come together for a cause rather than just for entertainment. 

Beyond statistical modeling and prayers, lies a much complex story of the monsoon, which turns blue every single year. Are we ready to face the change? I have done my part, and strive to improve each day. Do you?
Koynanagar during peak monsoon, August 2013.


May the Lord bless you All! Happy festivities :)

Monday, September 7, 2015

HUBBLE, our Cosmic window!


The astronomy community worldwide celebrated the birthday of very dear- the out of the world-Hubble Space Telescope, this year in April. But Hubble is no ordinary telescope. It is a revolution. It has been there, seen it, far and sharp! All through the 25 years of its existence. Yes, 25 years! Faithfully sending ignorant Earthlings several thousands of pictures. It is definitely one of the most powerful astronomical instrument ever made yet. It orbits the Earth, more than 500 kilometers high above its atmosphere and takes its name after the astronomer Dr. Edwin Hubble (who confirmed an 'expanding' Universe, the foundation for Big Bang theory).

Hubble began its adventurous journey in 1990. It is a space based observatory. Hubble can see visible, infrared and ultraviolet light. Hubble has seen both near and far beyond. Spectacular planets, dynamic nebulae, giants stars, graceful galaxies are just a few wonders to name.It has so much to its name and so many profound discoveries, that naming a few is a seemingly difficult task. It has changed the face of astronomical research. 
From the concept of accelerating Universe, to Hubble deep field picture showing over 3000 galaxies, in being a key to answer the age of the Universe question, spying the monstrous black holes, collecting evidences for evolution of galaxies, or discovering worlds beyond our Sun, the exoplanets; Hubble has contributed to every branch of astronomy from planetary to cosmology.

Hubble is a giant eye up there!  The magic of Hubble will mesmerize generations to come.
With some one like Hubble to take a click, even the Universe gloriously poses! 

Don't forget to see the Hubble portfolio, a journey to fall in love with the stars again.
Thank you Hubble, for showing us the Universe we never imagined.

Hubble, stay blessed! <3
The legacy of Hubble will be carried forward by JWST, exploring light of the Universe!


Spanning the spectrum of colours
High in the sky
& meeting the Earth
Lasting only momentarily
Behold, a rainbow appears!

Enjoy the rain and the sunshine
for it brings out the rainbow of your life!


Monday, August 17, 2015

Rainy night

She sat quietly in the corner of her room. Not stirring any emotion, rarely a blink. The curtains fluttered and the breeze that gushed in got the fresh monsoon smell. She liked that smell. So pure, just like her.It was her favorite season.
If you don't enjoy the rain, you miss a divine experience of your life
The raindrops she felt on her face would liven her up. Now no more. A steady pitter-patter had began. She hardly realized. Her face blank, suppressing the turmoil that arose inside her. A cyclone was building. 
Do not blame others for the situation you put yourself in, she had said once. Her heart raced to blame the fate. Deep inside she knew she had put herself in a canyon too deep to come out on her own. It was a canyon of trust and understanding. 
The more you trust, the more it pulls you towards it, enticingly. Only time can tell whether you remain hooked because of the trust, or a hypnotic habit. 

At any given time and situation, nobody knew exactly what she would be thinking, how she would be feeling. Except One. She reminded herself, except One. A sudden awkward frown, she became uncomfortable with her own thoughts. 
Aren't thoughts supposed to be your deeper self, you should be attuned too?  Why do my own thoughts trouble me? She gasped. Are my perceptions too idealized? Am I incompetent to face the reality? The harsh reality. Why me? All the questions raised at the same time, made her even more lost. 

She took a deep breath. It was too much to handle for a single day. She sighed, wondering why did she ever start accepting the very things she ran away from. The world had always been a bit harsh on her. 
It was thundering, the rain incessant by now. She could not make out what time of the day it was, or many hours she sat there. She felt a sudden urge to eat something. She could not remember which meal of the day she had skipped.

Embrace weakness with a smile, it gives you the energy to face it. She was too tired to smile. She wept, the night was lonely, the rains kept her company. 


Learning creative writing, this one a piece of first attempt.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The unwritten letter

One of the most serene and breathtakingly beautiful places I have visited so far, includes the sleepy town of Rameshwaram. It is hard to say what makes this place so special. It has its own charm and hits you with its simplicity. I first read about this place in "Wings of Fire". The most true description of this place. Rameshwaram undoubtedly has given us one of the most inspiring, lovable and genuine person, technologist, President and teacher of not only India, but the world. 

Past couple of days have been in disbelief. Avoiding to write, yet reading each bit of news and experiences about the great personality. It is really worth a thought, how every single person who has met him, has a positive incident about him to share. I don't remember when was it that I read this book. It was gifted to me. It changed my perspective. About myself. About dreams. About chasing dreams and a journey called life. It felt that I have known this person. What was it that I connected with is still hard to say. Ever since I read the book, I wanted to meet him. A person so great in thought, character and action. Yet, so humble and down-to-Earth. With roots attached on ground, and head held high. Don't know what is so charming about him- the ease of making any dream come true, the capability to break through the 'religion' label, or the art to smile through any situation. I could never meet him. I had read somewhere that he did respond to letters written by students. I wanted to write one. Unfortunately over the years, it took a back seat, and was lost in the chaos of thoughts of the mind and life. Missed it. The unwritten letter. 
Why do we tend to forget the little things that make us who we are? Why do we forget the important people, books, personalities who influenced us? 

Dear Kalam Sir, you are a true hero. Heroes live forever. Thank you for giving us wings of fire and igniting our minds. You definitely touched several lives. You live forever, in our hearts.

Get yourself to do that something you always wanted to-even if it is as simple as writing a letter. Life doesn't give a second chance. Though I could never meet him, I feel indirectly connected by two things- One, that I could work for a while at the organisation where he did- ISRO. And two, I got an opportunity to visit Rameshwaram and the lands end- Dhanushkodi. 

Mandapam to Pambam 



The rail bridge seen from road bridge

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A historic day

20th July, 1969. A giant leap for mankind, Apollo 11 landed on the only natural satellite that faithfully orbits the Earth. The first time ever man set foot on a body outside Earth, first time ever the samples got back to study, an incredible journey of exceptional technology (Saturn V, one of the best ever), and courage. It is hard for us to even imagine what it must have been like. Apollo 11 started a whole new adventure and a science for humanity. We proved, that no boundaries exist for the human mind. If an idea is conceived, then definitely there is a way to achieve it. It set a new benchmark for space science and exploration (and ignited a passion for outer space in many little minds).

Do watch the video on NASA page. 

(For any Apollo lovers there, one of the best books I have read about Apollo missions is "Man on Moon" by Andrew Chaikins. I agree that Apollo 11 should be a separate blog too).

20th July, 1976. Viking 1 lander touched the surface of another planet- the Red Planet Mars. It beamed the pictures of this amazing planet leaving us spellbound. After so many years, our curiosity has only built up, and Curiosity (the robot geologist) carries the legacy forward of the landers of Mars. A science initiated by the Viking. Viking performed experiments there like a dedicated student and excelled, the laboratory being a whole new planet to explore. It went on to make discoveries about the Martian atmosphere and the surface too.

20th July 2015. Happy 2nd birthday to " I, my kaleidoscope and the world"--about myself, my beliefs and views and my way of life. My colorful and sometimes a black and white kaleidoscope. About the world- its amazing rocks, and out of the world too! It's been a great ride around the Sun. A happening year too, learning a lot, completing more than a year as a teacher and mentor. Much more things which would rather be undone, but these are 'experiences' at the cost of mistakes. Lessons learnt. Life goes on :) All your wishes may not be fulfilled, but then do you thank for all your blessings?

I wish to express a huge THANK YOU to each one of you who spend their precious minutes and read this blog (nearing 2000 page views, which means a lot for me). It isn't only a blog for me, it is a small space I have of myself to express just a handful of the innumerable thoughts that rush through. A medium to say things which I would not have otherwise. I write for fun. The flow of thoughts and emotions which come with writing are satisfying (try it! ). I may not have been the best daughter or sister or friend, but every new day gives me a chance to improve. 

Every 20th July may not be historic. Still, no day is ever the same, be sure you make the most of every new day. Smile a little more, fret a little less, love lots, dream big and keep travelling! Don't keep these as a 'to-do' list for tomorrow, there may be none.

Keep reading, it keeps me motivated. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A New Horizon

A whopping 4.8 billion kilometers. An enduring 3460 plus days of nail-biting countdown. A 700 million dollar spacecraft and thousands of curious hearts ! 

It has been over 2 days for the historic flyby of the New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto. Reaching your destination can be a long affair. And one of immense patience too. But the New Horizons spacecraft has it all. Enduring and patient, it cruised in nothingness for a flyby to Pluto. A technological feat, whose planning began well before it was launched in January 2006. The road to Pluto was challenging and demanding. But now its Pluto's time to shine! :) 
Enough of artist's illustrations for Pluto, it has its own identity now-a colour, a precise size, terrain, features and much more! 

As Dennis Overbye puts in an excellent New York Times column,
"None of us alive today will see a new planet up close for the first time again."

More than 9 years back, all we heard was about the elusive Pluto (in fact the curiosity around Pluto begins well before its discovery in 1930, the story of its discovery is too interesting). Nothing extraordinary size-wise too. A small, frigid body, at the edge of the solar system moving in a weird orbit, that poor Pluto was even demoted to a dwarf planet. It is for the first time Earthlings get to see Pluto in close-up. And well, it is beautiful. It has surprised us with its thin atmosphere and geology too. 

To get to Pluto, take a left at Jupiter. The New Horizons spacecraft, launched in 2006, used a gravitational slingshot boost from Jupiter to speed its way. 
-Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

It is a time to celebrate, not only for scientists and technologists behind it, but for every single being who are witnessing this. I would always want something astronomical to witness in my lifetime (something like Man landing on Moon :P), and I must admit, this is one of those moments, I am glad I am alive to cherish Pluto's first scientific photo-op. Hope Pluto has more surprises packed for us ( Can you imagine, New Horizons send us data back from 3 billion miles ?! ) New Horizons is also making sure it is doing some serious science in the little time it has. It may eventually lead us to answer fundamental questions about solar system, its origin and formation, Kuiper belt objects, composition, geology, atmosphere of these and much more). 

New Horizons Payload

Credits: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute.

This piano sized spacecraft with its army of seven instruments does the reconnaissance around the dwarf. A visible, infrared and an ultraviolet spectrometer, a radiometer, a telescopic camera, energetic particle spectrometer. The SDC (Student Dust Counter) is inspiring as it is built and operated by students (measures the space dust)

So what does this dwarf look like (apart from the big heart)? The high resolution images show icy mountain ranges estimated to be rising more than 3 kilometers. Surprisingly, it also shows smoother areas (no impact craters implies younger surfaces) which means that Pluto is awake and kickin' (active and youthful; internal processes?). Considering the proximity to the Kuiper belt, it also means that it has survived impacts and collisions. It is quite possible that it is still active (what if New Horizons could catch a glimpse of the activity if it occurs! Woaahh, asking for too much there). 

The mountains on Pluto likely formed no more than 100 million years ago--mere youngsters in a 4.56-billion-year-old solar system. This suggests the close-up region, which covers about one percent of Pluto’s surface, may still be geologically active today. 

Charon doesn't stay behind in surprising! Canyons, rigged terrain, darker mysterious regions, cliffs. What more would you expect from a tiny object? Mind blowing indeed!

Must watch the animation view of Pluto through the years.

Ruler of the underworld is exposed by Earthlings, kudos to the NASA and New Horizon team. Just as I finish writing this, the "encounter mode" is over and a "cruise mode" is on again :( However we will continue receiving the data for 16 months with an extremely slow transfer rate.

An incredible story has just begun. 

(Meanwhile, the stress of waiting was reduced by the comical strips, really clever :) ) 


Stay focused, even if it means taking years to get what you want. Worth it! <3 


All images: NASA

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A virtual world

not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.

Are we living in a virtual world?
We hear this word more than often these days. Virtual friends, virtual relationships. While several prefer to stay in touch through the condition 'no calls, whatsapp only' or 'emails preferred' specifications. Sometimes, it is easier to talk or rather 'chat' than the conventional one-to-one conversation.So much so, that in a group, usually seen, everyone seems to have head down into their 'smart'phones and connecting to some one through the virtual web.

Why do we fail to appreciate the physical presence of people these days? 

A hundred 'likes' would make us more happy than someone coming up to you and telling you how beautiful you looking in that new blue dress! That is how much a person is attached to his or her virtual self than the real self!

So, does this virtual self also obey they psychological laws of traits and personalities? Well, it is complex. Social interaction and behavioral research has reached a whole new level (I won't be surprised if a new branch of psychology is made for this).
Technology was created for simplifying life. Not for the replacement of human connection. 

Or are humans done with the socially interactive wiring of their brains? And unconsciously drifting towards evolving into a species that are happy or content in a figment of a virtual world.

Is it fulfilling? 

I may have a thousand friends (on Facebook) yet I am sitting alone in a cafe sipping my favorite coffee. I may chat with several people in a day but nothing beats the feeling when a person looks into your eyes and smiles. (On a lighter note, somewhere I read, quitting Facebook is like the new adult version of running away from home, all know you are doing it for attention and you'll be back :D ) 

While virtual life undoubtedly has several pros ranging from marketing to networking to rapidly conveying news to entertainment to getting information (which may be false at times),  to communicating instantaneously; how much 'space' it should get in your life is a personal affair.
Life is easy and a click away, no doubt!

Are the thoughts created by the mind also virtual? 
Unless these thoughts turn into action they remain in the imaginary sphere. 
Well, at least virtually you can live the life you want!

A real life seems far off, while a virtual life is just a click away!

(by the way, I happened to delete my WhatsApp account temporarily and feeling liberated than ever. It saves me a lot of anxious moments (also minus the sleep procrastination) Do it..for a day at least!)

There's a fine line between the real and virtual. Hope you identify that line. Goodnight! 

Using a virtual medium to convey this.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Life's little celebrations

All days are special. But some days are slightly more special. 
Birthdays, anniversaries are the BIG celebrations! But every now and then Life offers little happiness packages which leave an impression forever. Its all about the memories. Some memories are comforting, some inspiring, some exquisite while some fresh and lovely! 
Some moments are a celebration of success and accomplishments, others of relationships, some of trust, while a few of love and new beginnings. 

Isn't it amazing to think of Oh! its been one year of my dream job, a year of buying that 'something' for which you had saved for months, or a year to cheer your friendship or knowing someone like never before! 
Enjoy these little things and celebrate them, for they add up and make your days complete! 
Don't deny your faith, for they bring you the Life's little celebrations! :) 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celestial Hide and Seek

An alignment of the celestial bodies,
a game of shadows,
a bite of the Sun or Moon,
a bit of hide and seek!
Lasting a fraction of time,
taking a breath away,
a kind of darkness you would want to look at,
in awe and wonderment.
The Universe sways to the laws of Physics. _/\_

"There is no science in this world like physics. Nothing comes close to the precision with which physics enables you to understand the world around you. It's the laws of physics that allow us to say exactly what time the sun is going to rise. What time the eclipse is going to begin. What time the eclipse is going to end."
Neil deGrasse Tyson

P.S.  Just viewed a partial lunar eclipse :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Surprise yourself !

Things never go the way you would want them to,
but if you knew they did as you wished for,
Life would be without surprises! :) 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Being a Woman

Being a WOMAN

I am not perfect, I was not born so.
I am not beautiful by my looks,
but by my thoughts.

I mess my hair up,
I wear shoes even with a dress,
I walk fast, I fall down.
I can eat more, sleep less.
I may not wear that make up,
but I would always greet you with a smile.

I am a simple girl,
with simple beliefs and high dreams.

I cannot cook the most delicious of meals,
I cannot be the best daughter or best sister,
a best companion or a best friend always,
I come with a lot of mood swings and a few tantrums.
I may not be as pretty as her,
But definitely have a beautiful world inside me.
I may not be as multitalented as another,
But I put in the sincerest of efforts in work.

I may not always express how I feel,
Yet I can have the truest of feelings I assure,
I may not be around all the time,
but can be a patient ear to hear whenever you need,
I could go a hundred steps ahead for you, 
for a step of yours,

I am not the strongest of woman,
but hardships do not tear me apart.

Don't judge me for what I appear to be,
give me a chance to be.
For what I am,
for what I can truly be.
Being a woman is hard,
in this man's world.

Feet on ground, head held high,
I am proud to be a woman.
An imperfect woman.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

If I were a bird!

Carrying freedom on your wings,
sweeping the clear blue sky,
singing a song
all day long!

Resting on a branch,
savouring the winter sunshine,
soaring above clouds,
sometimes cartwheeling around!

How do you chirp all day?
In bright sun or in clouded sky,
building a nest or about to fly.
Little birds you teach so much!

Carrying freedom on your wings,
sweeping the clear blue sky,
singing a song
all day long!