Every success starts with a crazy dream.
We witnessed a proud moment today, as the Mars Orbiter Mission entered the Mars orbit. 300 days back the words ‘Lift Off Normal' were echoed. We patiently waited. The Mars Orbiter began its long journey towards planet. Who thought that the once red little planet imagined with canals built by Martians would indeed be a place where Earthlings would leave an indelible mark of their existence and their ability to prove their scientific temper.
Great success comes with greater challenges.
The main challenge for MOM was to get into the Mars orbit at just the perfect moment. All this IS rocket science. We comfortably switch on our television set, expect a Diwali fireworks show for launches. But, PSLV, the most trusted workhorse of the ISRO stayed true to its name and did offer a brilliant and perfect show. By perfection it means not a deviation from the lift off time, the propellant, the ignition, the take off, the orbit and umpteen big and small details. Precision, accuracy, timing are the key parameters. It’s all a play of vision, hardwork and well, gravity. It was out of all this that MOM set out into Space. While there have been several missions to Mars, this is first for India. One of the most critical aspects was to put the craft into the Mars orbit. Most missions have been unsuccessful at this stage.
However even a failure is a successful step telling us what is wrong. And unless tried we will never know our capabilities.
Leaving aside statistics (whatsapp forwards are enough to remind us that :) ), I believe its just a beginning of an era of Interplanetary travel for India and contribute enormously for the scientific community. Inspite of several limitations, we dared to dream, we hoped and prayed with anxiety! A new level is now achieved, widening our horizons (literally). To all those who are a part of making this dream come true and to all those whose wishes for them are so true! Cheers!
Go MOM, the Red Planet is yours to explore!
October 2008, India had a similar reason to cheer about! Chandrayaan was successful. September 2014 Mars Orbiter Mission in orbit of Mars.
Mars is a very special Planet for me. Reading Patrick Moore's colorful book on Mars and wondering about this little Planet often left me in awe, even as a child! But over the years, it continues to surprise! Today is definitely a beginning of an adventurous journey. Many young Indian students look up to these events with a sparkle in their eyes, with an urge to work for India, to work for ISRO, to work for their love of Space; where boundaries dissolve, where imagination is the only limit. ISRO, it is your turn now to live up to the expectations and imaginations of these young minds!
:) Congratulations, and now the SKY is the Limit, but just that those are Martian skies!